The FrameIT Project

Detangling Knowledge Management from Game Design in Serious Games


FrameIT is a novel approach for building serious games by combining the exploration of virtual worlds with logic-based knowledge management (… details, publications, news)

The UFrameIT project was initiated by the KWARC Research Group at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (… news, team, history) to advance the FrameIT method and to create an appropriate framework for it.

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Try it out yourself

To showcase the framework, we plan to continuously create new simple game demos. Built executables of previous releases can be found here: UFrameIT releases.

The UFrameIT Framework and Serious Games

UFrameIT Architecture

In the FrameIT method, we use MMT theory graphs to encode and represent the knowledge about the world and its logic, whereas we use a game engine (currently Unity; but others are possible) to create and visualize the virtual world. The MMT system can then reason about the world and apply the knowledge in concrete situations.

Accordingly, the implementation is split into two parts that communicate via a REST/JSON API:

A particular UFrameIT game instantiates the framework with

The latter builds on builds on the Math-in-the-Middle Ontology (MitM) — a general-purpose formalization of elementary mathematics developed and maintained by the KWARC group at FAU.

UFrameIT Development & Team

The UFrameIT framework and games based on it are open source. They are developed publicly on GitHub (documentation, issues, milestones)

We are an open team of developers, please feel free to join.

Current Members


Former Members


The Jacobs University Phase

The idea behind FrameIT was already formulated in a paper in 2012. A very first version was implemented in a 2013 bachelor thesis. In 2015/6, Denis Rochau gave a complete implementation based on the Unreal Engine (Bachelor’s Thesis; CICM Work-in-Progress Paper, demo video).

UFrameIT at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

After a long period, where students with graphics and game development expertise didn’t find their way to FrameIT, the cooperation with the Chair of Visual Computing brought together a group of FAU students in late 2019 to restart the project. The UFrameIT framework using the Unity game engine as a basis is the result of this effort.

Demo Videos

Most Recent

Project Trailer

CICM 2020 Game Demo: Frameworld

The 2016 Version

Support and Contact

To contact a human: reach out to Michael Kohlhase.

Feel free to raise an issue at our UFrameIT/UFrameIT repository.